Materializing innovation on the planet

standing on the shoulders of giants

The history of company officially started at 1600 by East India Company. Till then, all of the investment is about luckiest possible fortune teller. Mathmatics and physics improved dramatically to enforce statements validity.

Physics: Observing phenomena in the natural world, developing theories to explain those observations, and then testing those theories through experimentation.
Mathematics: Its primary focus is to to establish the truth of a mathematical statement or theorem beyond any doubt. It involves a logical argument that uses axioms, definitions, and previously proven theorems to demonstrate the validity of the statement. It is totally different from caluculation. While calculations provide numerical solutions, proofs provide logical justifications for mathematical statements.



The basics of geometry. Pythagorean theorem.c=√(a^2+b^2)



Modularity theorem. For any integer n > 2, the equation a^n + b^n = c^n has no positive integer solutions



E = energy
m = mass
c = the speed of light

These are the toolkits to solve nondeterministic polynomial time problem(NP). Mathmatics use toolkits that contains symmetry, cyclicity, and periodicity(both finite and infinite):natural number, integer, irrational number, imaginary number, complex number.

Why mathematics and physics

How to appreciate the planet, universe, and multiverse

The nature of multiverse

There may some part of multiverse exists where information processing is unpredictable and inefficient. There will be some area of spacetime that information is not recorded. All of the glimpse of think will be deleted after recording in such part of multiverse. We cannot live there. We can only live on the premise that is predictable, where the law of mathematics and physics allow stable predictions. The laws of mathematics and physics only work when we intend to rely on prediction. The possibility to make reliable projections is essential for us to survive.That is why mathematics and physics are essential in our part of the multiverse. Its the invention for civilization and socialization of huminity. Economics and capitalism are definitely dependent on the basis of mathematics and physics.

How we communicate

What is universal scale



hydrogen electron orbit=1Å


M🜨(earth mass)

1M is


mol 6*10^23 hydrogen

A mole of H2 represents Avogadro’s number (6 x 10^23) of hydrogen molecules